Friday, August 20, 2010


It has seriously been a month today since I last wrote. That's a long time, but as I sit in my living room looking out towards a skyline bordered by the Rockies, well, I am more than happy to write.

The week of August 9th Tomek and Renia Bieniek from Poland were here to visit and I was blessed to hangout and talk with them on a couple of different occasions. The first was movie night at Rays where Tomek and I enjoyed some western classics. The second at my youth's Turner Falls retreat where we listened as Renia and Tomek taught us to do our best to think positively, and to be strong and courageous in the Lord.

During this past month I had to say goodbye to my boys and girls at the B&G Club in Valley View. That was actually really hard to do. It is always really neat to see that you had some form of influence on someone. It is always astounding when you get to say you left a positive influence on someone.

I refuse to say that I said goodbye to the Tambourine and Dance team at Cross Timbers though. I will, instead, say 'until next time my lovely ladies'! They have actually prepared a really cool looking dance for Sunday the 22nd! Don't miss it! These girls and the rest of the youth are actually conducting the service that day. Check them out.

A word for SCS. A business I have enjoyed working for so far had their Open House on Friday, August 13th. I was glad to be present. Mark Ford- the owner- had a lot of fun with it, and I can see him having even more. If you haven't checked out Sanger Computer Services (SCS) you should consider doing that as well.

Now here in Colorado I have completely moved in and won the game of Garbage (not the one we know in Valley View but an intriguing card game nevertheless.) My roommates are Laura (Ca), Kacie (NM), and Melanie (Tx), and we are loving it here.

There is so much going on and I am super glad I got to inform you of all that has and is going on.

God Bless You Guys


1 comment:

  1. Hmmm..."Garbage?" You'll have to teach us that one! Glad you're having a good time! You have made and will continue to make a positive influecne on people's lives! <3 :)
